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From the Adults

As God leads, things keep perking right along. Jan, Debbie, and Don and Kathy lead Bible studies weekly ─ sometimes with others teaching. The same is true of the Men’s Bible Study where the focus is Revelation. Theresa continues to light fire under the Women’s program with the Girlfriends Café and the West Plains Ladies’ Luncheon. Nathan and Rick continue herding the Iron Men Burning Barrel and the Men’s Lunch. And the men are working at various tasks around the church and in our community

The Internet sessions on Tuesday and Thursday continue with session 305 coming soon.

The Sunday morning Bible study for adults has been averaging around 20 in discussion. Dare you to come and join in the lively discussions we have. There is also a Bible Study for women. They are doing a study by Elizabeth Woodson "From Beginning to Forever".

Rooted. Are you looking for connection, community, to deepen your relationship with Jesus or have some serious questions you ant to explore? Join a Rooted Study.

Registrations are being taken for our Airway Heights Christian School, K-12.

Get on board. Participate. Host. Lead. Teach. Whatever. But get involved. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. It all works together for good.

Oh yeah: Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are nearer than you might think.


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