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If you would like for a Pastor(s) to contact you for prayer or conversation!

Please fill out this form!

It is  *private and confidential to our Pastors/Leader! 

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is for those who are recovering from any addiction such as chemical, tobacco, alcohol, relationships, and more. Celebrate Recovery Small Groups Can:

  • Provide you a safe place to share your experiences, strengths, and hopes with others that are also going through a Christ-centered recovery.

  • Provide you with a leader who has gone through a similar hurt, hang-up, or habit and who will facilitate the group as it focuses on a particular Step each week.

  • Provide you with the opportunity to find an Accountability Partner or a Sponsor

  • Encourage you to attend other recovery meetings held throughout the week.

Grief Share

The Grief Share Ministry is a special, weekly recovery support group designed to help a person rebuild their life after the loss of a loved one. Our group is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help individuals through the difficult days ahead.

Helping Our Community

How You Can Be Involved: Group meetings are held Tuesday evenings from 6pm-8pm. For those grieving, returning to or finding daily routines and purpose can be challenging on their own. The need for support and encouragement is fundamental to overall well being when recovering from loss and can be needed for months or perhaps longer. If you or someone you know is grieving the loss of a loved one, family member, or friend, you can call or email the church office to inquire about the group sessions.

Pastor(s) Confidential Contact Form

If you have life threatening event or emergency circumstances please call 911. We will respond to this form with in 24hrs via the contact information you gave! Our hope and prayer is that you will seek help before you find yourself in need of 911 or emergency services!

Let us help you.

Thanks for submitting!

*private and confidential form is emailed to the Senior and an Associate Pastor to maintain privacy, confidentiality and accountability and to protect everyone involved.

Confidential contact form
Airway Heights 
Baptist Church


12322 W Sunset Hwy

Airway Heights, WA 99001

Tel: (509)244-2474 | Fax: (509) 244-9803

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