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Chosen Youth Ministry

The Full Story

Knowing Jesus Christ

Today, youth are searching for answers to life’s pertinent questions. Each individual has a void in their life that can be filled only by Jesus. We want youth to know they matter to God! (John 3:16; Rom. 5:8) Young people need to know of their need for God and his love for them, leading them to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Only then are they going to be able to experience the complete love of God which leads to purpose and joy of life.


Growing in Faith and Mind of Christ  (1 Cor. 9:19-23)

Our youth Discipleship Ministry serves all levels of spiritual maturity. We accommodate each individual’s spiritual growth and meet them where they are, encouraging . We partake in discussions relevant to the experiences that youth are facing in their everyday lives and line it up with the truth of Scripture, equipping youth to navigate their thoughts and actions around such experiences.


Glorifying God in Character (II Cor. 13:11)

We encourage and teach excellence of character as determined by the Word, both within and aside the presence of others. Everything that we do as a youth ministry is done according to the standards of God’s Word for the edification of our youth and glory of God. 


Spreading the Gospel in Ministry (Phil. 2:2, 1 Cor. 3:5-8)

Our youth ministry is built on teamwork of the saints which is essential to effective ministry among those we serve. Each member has the potential to be an influential person in a student’s life. The Holy Spirit is the only One who changes lives. We realize the Holy Spirit is the one who changes lives and gives the increase. We believe the process of bringing a young person to Christ involves time, personal testimonies, love in action, events planned throughout the year to optimize sharing the Gospel, and committed youth with the vision to share Christ.


Praying at All Times (Phil. 4:6)

The Youth Ministry is saturated in prayer by a group of people who commit themselves to regular and intense prayer for each aspect of the ministry. Prayer is central in seeking God’s grace for those we serve, the next generation, and to help young people develop a Spirit empowered, faith-filled, continual, and fervent life of prayer.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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Airway Heights 
Baptist Church


12322 W Sunset Hwy

Airway Heights, WA 99001

Tel: (509)244-2474 | Fax: (509) 244-9803

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